Posted on: April 9th, 2018 by

The world around the countries, organizations, and individuals is changing continuously. The question here is how can we lead in an uncertain world?

We heard about the VUCA world but what it is, the word VUCA was first introduced by the US Army in the 1990’s but it came to the knowledge of the business world in the 2000’s and people started to talk about it as a business term.  

What does the term VUCA stand for and what does it mean in a simple word:-

V- Volatility:- which means the nature and dynamics of the change 

U- Uncertainty:  The lack of predictability

C- Complexity: Multiplex forces 

A- Ambiguity: The potential of misreads

When we advise leaders in the current business environment on how to lead in such a world, one of the most important skill is to be agile and adapt to changes quickly but not only that, leaders need to be aware of the latest trends around them. 

I usually say to leaders to understand the organization core business well and identify what are the global trends that will impact their business, so they need to identify these trends such as technology, social, environment, political ….etc . 

Once Leaders identify the global trends they need to ask themselves from where should I keep receiving information about such trends? and here they need to do a research about the sources they might use and it can be an annual report published by the recognized international organization, conferences, certain websites ……etc . 

 So know leaders knew the trends, where they can get information, who in their organization will be responsible for collecting such information, the frequency of collecting the information and lastly who will analysis the impact of any changes to the organizational business. 


1- Understand the business environment 

2- Identify and monitor trends that will affect your business 

3- Act and be very agile to changes 


Khaled El Gohary 

Thought Leader

Leadership Advisor 






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