Posted on: March 21st, 2018 by

Leadership and Emotions

When I think of leadership development one of the first things that come to my mind and all people in the field talk about is how we can develop our leadership skills. From my lifelong experience in the field of developing leaders across nations that you must know yourself. when we talk about knowing yourself we mean here is self-awareness. How can a person know himself? what do they need to do after knowing yourself and be self-aware? 

The first thing a person needs to do to discover his/her self is to observe his or her inner emotions in different situations but still how can I control it? 

In all situations that you feel your emotions are triggered try to reflect on this situation and document your feelings and why you feel what you felt in such situation, the emotion might be happiness, sadness, stress …etc , once you understand the emotional part you can understand why you acted the way you act in such situation. Self-reflection is one of the key success toward the first steps to leadership development and understanding your inner feelings. People learn through accumulated experience in life.

Tips: My advice 

1- Document three situations that happened to you every day 

2- Reflect on the situations and understand your emotions

3- State why you felt how you felt

4- Write what will you if this situation happens to you again and what will you do differently

5- Practice the new behaviors to the same situation again and reflect on the results  


Khaled El Gohary 

Leadership advisor 

Thought leader 

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